Deadly Safari
Character creation
Yeah! First blog update!

So... I am happy to announce that Deadly Safari Deadly Safari : The video game will feature character customisation.

You will be given the option to make your own little victim in this game by changing her name, her appearance and background story.

First you will be asked to change your name :

CC 1

Then you can change her looks :

Then we get to the fun part. The customisation of your appearance (which will affect your in-game sprite character aswell as the picture and Game-over CG sequences)

CC 2

I am still working on a proper menu to change your appearance with ease, but still... It works already!

The level of customisation is limited on color palets (4 Hair colors/ 2 Skin colors/3 Eye colors).

Which offers 24 different combinations to chose from as seen below :

Heroine surprised

Lastly, you will be offered to chose between 4 different background stories :

CC 3

The choice of background story will not affect your stats or combat style, nor will it change the main story. However, there are special hidden "events" within the game that will change depending on the background you chose. It may be an old friend from earth that you used to know or something else. If you find the hidden event related to the background you have chosen, something special will happen. It can be good (Item reward, cure negative effect, save spot, love scene), or it can be really bad (A special game-over scene, a new enemy, a negative status effect).

So the choice of background will matter if you explore the world a bit. It just won't affect the main storyline.

And that's character customisation.

I hope you will appreciate the feature once the first version of game is available!

See ya!

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